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Turkish Translations of Audit Reports

An audit report is a written opinion of an auditor regarding an entity's financial statements. The report is written in a standard format, as mandated by generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS). GAAS requires or allows certain variations in the report, depending upon the circumstances of the audit work that the auditor engaged in. The following report variations may be used:

  • A clean opinion, if the financial statements are a fair representation of an entity's financial position.

  • A qualified opinion, if there were any scope limitations that were imposed upon the auditor's work.

  • An adverse opinion, if the financial statements were materially misstated.

  • A disclaimer of opinion, which can be triggered by several situations. For example, the auditor may not be independent, or there is a going concern issue with the auditee.

turkish translation of audit reports

Our premium translation services are intended to give an accurate understanding of financial documents and audit reports.


All of our financial translators are tested, trained professionals with at least 15 year financial translation experience.


All translators working on financial documents will be suitably qualified in the required area, such as audit reports, balance sheets or any other discipline if required.



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